
However the incident highlighted tensions in the movement

Italy's Grillo warns members who defied vote orders

By James Mackenzie

ROME (Reuters) - Beppe Grillo, leader of Italy's 5-Star Movement, accused parliamentarians in his group who defied party orders over a secret ballot of lying and told them to "take the consequences", sparking furious online debate among his followers.

In the first sitting of parliament since February's inconclusive election, a handful of Senators from the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement cast their ballots with the center-left in an election to choose the new speaker, despite instructions to cast a blank vote.

In a post on his blog late on Saturday night, Grillo said 5-Star parliamentarians were bound to follow voting directions agreed by a majority in advance and indicated that he expected any members who failed to do so to resign.

"If anyone has not met this obligation, they have lied to voters and I hope they will take the necessary consequences," he said. He said he wanted 5-Star senators to declare their votes.

Whether the implied threat is carried out or not remains to be seen but it underlines the challenge Grillo, who is not in parliament himself, will face in controlling his group from a distance.

More than 10,000 people commented on the post, with opinions split between those accusing him of acting like a dictator and others accusing rebels who voted with the left in choosing anti-Mafia judge Pietro Grasso as Senate speaker of betrayal.

The fiery ex-comic, who has come down heavily on followers who have defied him in the past, has frequently been criticized for his authoritarian streak, prompting former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi to say his movement was "like Scientology".

He refuses any deal with the mainstream parties which he says are indistinguishable from each other and equally responsible for driving Italy into crisis.

However the incident highlighted tensions in the movement, which draws heavily from a generation of young Italians much less willing to accept direction from any leader, a point which emerged clearly from much of the online commentary.

"Stop talking rubbish, Beppe. What do you want? To be some kind of long-distance Duce?" wrote Diego G, referring to the wartime fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. "Who do you think you are? The 'divine' interpreter of the popular will?"

Others however were much harsher on the dissenters and there were plenty of comments supporting Grillo. "They have to respect the rules of the movement. Kick them out," wrote Gionata T.

On Sunday, Giuseppe Vacciano, one of the senators who disobeyed instructions, defended his decision to vote for Grasso and said he was ready to resign if necessary.

(Reporting By James Mackenzie; Editing by Janet Lawrence and Stephen Powell)

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March 17

#Steubenville verdict: The reaction on Twitter

Trent Mays and Ma'lik Richmond in the courtroom before their trial (AP/Pool Photo)

The news that two high school football players in Steubenville, Ohio, were found guilty of raping an intoxicated 16-year-old girl lit up Twitter on Sunday, with many users—most of them women—celebrating the verdict while calling for more work to be done to transform America's rape culture.

GUILTY verdict in #Steubenville! Let's hope this serves as a lesson nationally—only yes means yes.

— Jessica Valenti (@JessicaValenti) March 17, 2013

These young men have forced a young woman to relearn trust, dignity, self worth and sexuality. And demonized her afterwards.

— Lizz Winstead (@lizzwinstead) March 17, 2013

Full justice will not be realized for survivors until we stop blaming victims and destroy the culture that feeds this. #Steubenville

— Lily Bolourian (@LilyBolourian) March 17, 2013

There are a lot of tears in the courtroom. Wonder where the tears were for the victim that night? #Steubenville

— Jessica Valenti (@JessicaValenti) March 17, 2013

When I was in college guys used to joke "passed out equals consent" and it made my stomach turn. So glad for the Steubenville verdict.

— Erin Drummond (@ebdrummond) March 17, 2013

Solidarity w/ Jane Doe. Happy for verdict, but it doesn't stop today. She has to live with this when media coverage stops. #steubenville

— Katie Hnida (@KatieHnida) March 17, 2013

Steubenville young men were found guilty ... But it still doesn't fix the problem of society devaluing women.

— Esha Hand (@handesha) March 17, 2013

CONGRATULATIONS, JANE DOE! Justice in Steubenville is in your favor! Next stop: civil court!

— Roseanne Barr (@TheRealRoseanne) March 17, 2013

The verdict came a day after the victim testified she did not remember anything from the night of the attack, but was "embarrassed and scared" to learn what happened to her via text messages from witnesses, Instagram photos and a YouTube video.

#Steubenville rape case had more undeniably damning evidence than many other high profile cases--texts, tweets, photos. Hard to ignore.

— Irin Carmon (@irincarmon) March 17, 2013

#Steubenville case looked at "10s of 1000s of texts found on 17 phones seized." May texting do away with he-said-she-said trials forever.

— Selena Ross (@seleross) March 17, 2013

Steubenville community leaders would have covered up this abuse as they had before, but bloggers and Anons shined a light on it. Well done.

— Random Pinko (@anon_pinko) March 17, 2013

The case "drew wide attention for the way social media spurred the initial prosecution," the New York Times said, "and later helped galvanize national outrage"—outrage that was evident to anyone scanning tweets with the #Steubenville hashtag on Sunday.

Going to have stop commenting on #steubenville case now, as every time I think about it, I cry. I have so much respect/love for the victim.

— Emma Jayne (@EmmaJaynewithaY) March 17, 2013

You will not reduce, redefine, diminish, or take away from what you did. And what you did was rape her. #Steubenville

— Kimberly Hurtt (@MrsHurtt) March 17, 2013

Too much sympathy in court being shown for these disgusting little rapists. It is not a tragedy when a rapist is found guilty.#Steubenville

— Radical Feminist (@RadicalFeminist) March 17, 2013

"She Never said no" is such a hideous defense, and one of the many sad examples of how much work needs to be done. #Steubenville

— Lizz Winstead (@lizzwinstead) March 17, 2013

I wish I had heard the judge utter one word--one word--about respecting women and girls and the issue of consent. #Steubenville

— Truly S. (@hotincleveland) March 17, 2013

"Those poor boys' lives are ruined!" — exactly what you should not be thinking after the #steubenville guilty verdict.

— Matt Binder (@MattBinder) March 17, 2013

So many feelings as a survivor of intoxicated, teenage rape about Steubenville. The howling for blood makes me really sad.

— Suzan Eraslan (@SuzanEraslan) March 17, 2013

Don't feel sorry rapists: Stop airing the men crying. Those were adult actions, they should've been tried as adults. #Steubenville #stopVAW

— Kimberly S. Brusk (@peaceforus4ever) March 17, 2013

The five-day trial put a spotlight on the football culture surrounding Steubenville High School, a point of pride for a city hard hit by the collapse of the steel industry.

The community of #Steubenville should now do some soul-searching about how they treat their boys like gods. It won't.

— Abraham Lincoln (@Mr_Lincoln) March 17, 2013

I guess the question coaches should ask themselves is this: "Is rape culture part of my locker room?"

— Joel D. Anderson (@blackink12) March 17, 2013

#Steubenville coach and adults also #guilty, protecting the rapists, demonizing the victim

— Progressive Voices (@progvoice) March 17, 2013

Sign across the street from Steubenville Courthouse: "Be a parent, not a best friend."

— Maggie Jordan (@MaggieJordanACN) March 17, 2013

Drink responsibly? Children should not be drinking anyway, and if they do should not get raped, no matter how drunk they get. #Steubenville

— Mark Hoggan (@Markho23) March 17, 2013

Breaking: Rape is wrong even if you are good at sports. #Steubenville

— Katy, Esq. (@kayteeod) March 17, 2013

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In such cases

Letter from boot camp in 1953 returned to sender

NILES, Mich. (AP) — It was 1953 and then-Pvt. Bob Rodgers had just arrived at Fort Campbell, Ky., for basic training when he sat down to write a letter to his wife after the post's power went out.

Sixty years later, that letter finally turned up, when the U.S. Postal Service gave it back to Rodgers, who's now living in southwestern Michigan.

In the June 13, 1953, letter, the 20-year-old told his wife, Jean, about the routines of life in boot camp. "All you do is march, KP, shine boots, shine boots and shine more boots and brass and more brass," he wrote.

On March 7, New Carslisle, Ind., Postmaster Connie Tomaszewski hand-delivered the letter to Rodgers, now 79. She did so the same day it arrived at her office, she told the South Bend Tribune (http://bit.ly/WQ0Zo5 ).

Rodgers was bemused by the return of the letter.

"I asked if they had found the remains of the horse and rider and got the letter out of the saddle bag," he said, smiling. "She just shook her head."

Tomaszewski said it's hard to even guess what might have happened to the letter over six decades.

"There are a million possibilities. ... It could have sat at Fort Campbell," she said. "The important part of it is it did get delivered."

Mary Dando, spokeswoman for the Greater Indiana District of the U.S. Postal Service, said the letter may have actually been delivered, then ended up at a flea market or antique store where a collector latched onto it.

In such cases, people sometimes put them back in the mail for reasons unknown, Dando said.

Rodgers said even if his wife didn't get the letter, it wasn't a big deal.

"She didn't miss it, and I didn't miss it, because I wrote her about every day," he said.

Jean Rodgers died of cancer eight years ago.

The letter bears a Fort Campbell postmark and the date June 15, 1953. It also features two 3-cent stamps.

Asked what her reaction would have been to the letter's final arrival had she still been alive to receive it, he said, "She'd have got a kick out of that."


Information from: South Bend Tribune, http://www.southbendtribune.com

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