
Kanome Madoka&quot

Yau Wood Blue second small AL "an" singing in DVD and portrait set pack!
"magical girl Madoka Magika" "Kanome Madoka" role, "war Ji song" "flower sound" role, "last exile free Farmville --" "suitable for,, at" role is to know popular seiyuu & middot; leisurely wood green.The February 13th release of the second album, her small an "cover open!

[other] you pictures of wood green video message

now works, she most likes the artists new Zhao provides the song "... Ping!""The · Alice", 5 song is included outside, first print limited disc DVD and portrait set pack.In addition to DVD, Zhao is new and leisurely wood green world wonderful match with such leading song "... Ping!"PV image, PV audio commentary included.The lively dance of Vietnam, wood green, her love cats "Ashe Baer Jun" also debut PV image will look.Now, YouTube is her video message (
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